Thứ Sáu, 31 tháng 8, 2018

Xử lý lỗi GoldenGate bị ABEND khi instance down đột ngột

Troubleshoot GoldenGate Process when Instance down suddenly

Mục đích: Khắc phục lỗi tiến trình GoldenGate bị ABEND khi instance shutdown đột ngột
1. Errors message from $GGATE/ggserr.log

2018-08-30 15:19:41  WARNING OGG-00715  Oracle GoldenGate Capture for Oracle, ext1.prm:  [Thread #3] Purging transaction (transaction id: 3607.7.337705, start time: 2018-08-30 15:33:03, start seqno: 85665, start RBA: 2920625168).
2018-08-30 15:19:41  WARNING OGG-00712  Oracle GoldenGate Capture for Oracle, ext1.prm:  Updating I/O checkpoint after purging orphaned transactions on thread 3 with current position (Seq#: 85669, RBA: 615293852).
2018-08-30 15:19:42  WARNING OGG-00723  Oracle GoldenGate Capture for Oracle, consext5.prm:  Record with class# 7092, slt# 12, at seqno 85669, rba 715072016 SCN 2867.4219647111 (12317890884743) has secondary transaction ID that is du
plicate of existing open uncommitted transaction.
2018-08-30 15:20:53  ERROR   OGG-00446  Oracle GoldenGate Capture for Oracle, EXT2.prm:  Could not find archiv
ed log for sequence 87475 thread 1 under default destinations SQL <SELECT  name    FROM v$archived_log   WHERE se
quence# = :ora_seq_no AND         thread# = :ora_thread AND         resetlogs_id = :ora_resetlog_id AND         a
rchived = 'YES' AND         deleted = 'NO>, error retrieving redo file name for sequence 87475, archived = 1, use
_alternate = 0Not able to establish initial position for sequence 87475, rba 1795950096.
2018-08-30 15:20:53  ERROR   OGG-01668  Oracle GoldenGate Capture for Oracle,DP2.prm:  PROCESS ABENDING.

2. Causes
- Bị bug instance
- Lỗi ASM
3. Solution
-- Extract  ext1
GGSCI> stop ext1
(hoac kill extract ext1)
GGSCI> info ext1, detail
GGSCI> alter extract ext1 etrollover
GGSCI> alter ext1 begin 2018-08-30 15:19:00
GGSCI> Start ext1
GGSCI> Info ext1

--+ file moi tao la 360
[root@goldhndb03 ~]# ls -lt  /dbfs_direct/shared_files/goldengate/dirdat/ext1/*
-rw-rw-rw- 1 oracle oinstall   482421 Aug 30 16:29 /dbfs_direct/shared_files/goldengate/dirdat/ext1/lt000361
-rw-rw-rw- 1 oracle oinstall     1127 Aug 30 16:15 /dbfs_direct/shared_files/goldengate/dirdat/ext1/lt000360
-rw-rw-rw- 1 oracle oinstall 93931933 Aug 30 15:37 /dbfs_direct/shared_files/goldengate/dirdat/in_ext/lt000359
-- Pump dp1
Stop dp1
Alter dp1, extseqno 360, extrba 0
Start dp1

#goldengate #goldengateabend


Trần Văn Bình - Oracle Database Master